外语教学理论与实践 ›› 2024, Vol. 188 ›› Issue (2): 70-.

• 翻译研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

基于语料库的英译小说人物形象重构研究 ———以葛浩文英译《蛙》中的“姑姑”为例


  1. 复旦大学
  • 出版日期:2024-04-25 发布日期:2024-05-15

The Reconstruction of Characters in the English Translations of Modern Chinese Novels: A Corpus-based Case Study of “Gugu” in Frog by Howard Goldblatt

  • Online:2024-04-25 Published:2024-05-15

摘要: 在中国文学海外传播过程中,积极的文学人物形象有利于中国形象的建构。本文自建《蛙》汉英平行语料库,基于语义韵和叙事学相关理论,结合译本读者评论,考察产科医生“姑姑”在英译本中的形象重构,了解其对于中国形象的影响。经数据分析和文本比较,发现译者在译文中调整了叙述视角、叙述声音和人物话语,强化了“姑姑”的消极形象。“姑姑”形象的异化主要与西方社会语境和译者葛浩文的个人情感干预有关。因此,有必要探索翻译中人物形象重构的原则,建议译者理智处理情感介入,力求忠实再现原文人物艺术形象。

关键词: “姑姑”, 《蛙》, 形象重构, 语料库, 叙事话语

Abstract: In the process of overseas dissemination of modern Chinese literature, promoting positive literary images of characters is conducive to the construction of China’s international image. Focusing on the English translation by Howard Goldblatt, this article explores how the image of Gugu, the obstetrician and the protagonist of Frog, is reshaped and changed in the process of translation. Based on a self-built Chinese-English parallel corpus of the works, alongside theories of semantic prosody and narratology , as well as online readers’ comments from English countries, the study finds that Howard Goldblatt has made adaptations in narrative focalization , narrative voice and character discourse, all of which result in a more negative image of Gugu. This indicates that besides the western social context, the translator’s emotional intervention has played an important role in reconstructing the image of Gugu. Therefore, it is imperative to probe the criteria for image reconstruction, with translators being expected to rationally manage their emotions during the translation process to retain and reproduce the original images.

Key words: Gugu, Frog, image reconstruction, corpus, narrative discourse